
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Friday, July 27, 2012


Dear: Lil Miss

You have grown up so much this year. Your first school year is over. You had such a bad start to the year, getting knocked over on the playground on your second day scared you to death. I think you are the very first kid to NOT like recess. But we were so blessed that I was driving bus this year, and we were also so blessed that you had such an amazing teacher. I was able to be there with you during this crappy time to transition. We got it figured out and you started to love school in December. Phew....

You can write your name, its so sweet to see you sit down and want to learn your letters and sounds.

You love to ride your bike

You have excelled in swimming lessons This too you were afraid of. You went from crying and not participating to jumping in and getting your face wet. ( something you hated! ) Next time around you are going to kick butt!!! because...

You now LOVE swimming, You are jumping in the pool with NO life jacket. ( in the shallow end ) and jumping off the diving board. You are even jumping off the dock at the cottage and off the boat.

You are still so sweet, and you love to love!! You love touching mommas skin and cuddling. 

You love to sit and talk about your future...Who you are going to marry and how many kids you are going to have. it so much fun.

You love to go shopping and going for coffee with me. Even though you are only 5 1/2 you are so much fun.

Love you Boo!

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