
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Does a good cup of coffee inspire me to write? Sometimes....But today it is giving me a little comfort. Yesterday was a bit of a rough day. Filled with outbursts and attitude problems and tears. And mostly on my part. Yes that's right. I was in one heck of a fowl mood Yesterday. I think if I could have found that towel, I would have thrown it in. I had enough and I was ready to share it. Which left me with today, A fresh start, right? Yes, a fresh start. I had still had this lingering anger burning in me though. So I sat outside in the cool breeze under the gazebo and opened up my prayer journal. Here is my entry for this morning.
Oh Lord, I am very sorry. Yes, today is a new day. and I want it to be a good one. I am asking your forgiveness when it comes to yesterday and my attitude with the kids and my hubby. I get frustrated so easily and I stay frustrated and it is so hard for me to snap out it. I honestly don't know why. I do long to be the the proverbs 31 women. Teach me Lord. Amen.
I am so far from perfect and there still has been tears today. but an embrace from my hubby while I stood over the stove making lunch gave me a sense of hope. I will not give up. I will press my heels in. I don't have the answer. and its ok.
Have a blessed day

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