
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I was cooking dinner when I heard. What was going on in mind at the time.

I was cooking dinner, I turned on the Radio. As I do every night at this time. My phone was on the Dock and my laptop was open and logged on to Fb..I started hearing Ding after Ding seriously like 15 ding's within a 5 min span. And then The notifications start happening on FB. My hands were covered in gross stuff. So I couldn't look at what was going on. At that time. On the radio. " stay tuned to what just happened in Boston" There has been a tragedy during the Boston Marathon. It is confirmed there has been 2 explosions at the finish Line.

Oh, My God....No

I called Tom at work. Thank God He wasn't running.

I dial the number....

But His team mates...they are all there. What time did it go off?

I asked Tom if he heard what happened. He didn't! I could hear the Shakiness in his voice at that instant. I have to call the guys, He says. He hangs up.

I washed my hands and got on my phone. I had texts, messages, and calls. Is Tom ok??

I got on FB and read the messages. Is Tom ok?

I got on to the News feed. I don't want to look. Oh Lord, why? Who did this? Are the guys ok?

I started seeing pictures and videos. I had to stop. I just can't imagine. yet so Relieved that we weren't there.

I was brought back to 2 years ago. The thousands of people that were there watching with anticipation. Cheering on their loved ones. And speaking encouraging words to people whom they have never met.  When we were there, I fell in love with Boston. I loved watching for my hubby. Its such an amazing atmosphere. Positive and uplifting. Kids with a sippy cup in one hand, and a clapper in the other. Waiting for the their mom or dad to pass by.

oh, God there were children there.

My heart sank, but I got a text. everyone on Toms team was safe. Thank God. But everyone else...some had died and lots injured.

I guess this time...They won't be celebrating.

Tom wasn't there this year running. But I know he felt torn about that too. He wanted to be there for his friends. He was pretty distraught all night thinking about it.

I guess things can happen anywhere. At anytime with no warning or an understanding of why?

Hug and kiss your loved ones.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thank you

This Blog post is about My amazing husband Tom. I know that no one is perfect, and Yes Tom has his flaws, but He is perfect for me. And I have never met anyone in my entire life, that is so selfless. As most of you know, I was married before. don't worry I am not going to sit here and bash the X. everything happens for a reason and I will never regret being married before, as I learned lots about myself. But saying that, it was Hell to go through a divorce and I swore I would never marry again. Then I met this guy and we have been inseparable From the moment we met.

I have noticed this past month some pretty amazing qualities about Tom, and I want to share them with you. Because sometimes we know that we have something good, and we don't say thanks or acknowledge those amazing qualities in one another. 

Tom is so supportive. He allows me to be"me". I am a creative, independent, Strong willed, a little bit of a control freak. And he loves and appreciates those qualities. even though sometimes I frustrate him. 
He knows that raising our children is my number 1 priority and he allows me to have the freedom to do that. He does not force me to go to work, even though both kids are in School full time. He budgets accordingly and we live within our means so I can stay home. Monetary things aren't important to him. He would much rather have me home, and raise our children. But saying that...He supports me if I want to work, knowing that I will only choose something that will work for our family. He trusts me.

He allows me to let the house work slide at times...I don't have the pressure of having to have the house spotless. I remember, geeze it must have been 3 summers ago. I focused on the kids, and less on the house. We spent the day at the beach instead of cleaning. And I thank him for that. I was getting mad at the kids for being kids and was cleaning up after them like 15 times a day. So I felt like I needed to stop and worry about the mess later. I am thankful that he doesn't  pressure me to have it perfect, he does laundry, He cleans bathrooms, he Loves on his kids and plays with them. And not only does he encourage me to have time to myself. He allows it to happen.

All of you know that he runs. Yes mostly 130+ Kms a week and I have many people ask, how do you put up with him running so much. Yes, Sometimes it cuts into our time. But for the most part he gets up at 4:30-5 AM to run. even in the winter. So it does not take away from the kids time or my time with him. 

Tom is determined, Strong, So smart, Selfless and Gracious.
I am VERY blessed that I got him. I feel like I don't deserve him most days. He truly is my better half.

He has the most amazing singing voice too!! It makes you melt. 
So thank you Thomas! You are an answer to prayer.

And to those of you, If you hear me complain, tell me to read my blog as a gentle reminder of how good I have it.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thinking of you...So I thought I would write.

Well Kiddo Your growing up so fast. Your already 81/2. I remember our first night together. I was so in awe of you. I didn't sleep at all. I nestled you so close and just stared at you. I still stare in amazement. You are so strong. And the very qualities that make me want to ring your neck are the very qualities that are going to transform you into this amazing young man. 

Your so strong. You stand up for what you think to be true. You don't just sit by and take No for an answer. Your a fighter. And this my friend...I knew from when you were you in my womb. You love rules and abide them. but they need to make sense to you and if you don't think they do, you challenge it. All these years. its been your goal to challenge. But you admit when you were wrong. 

I am glad that we talk. I am glad that you listen. Dr.Phil said to keep discussions short and to the point. Well I am glad he doesn't live with us. Cause you and I both like to talk. 

When I question my parenting, like after one of our many fights. I take refuge in that we can always have heart to hearts. Your so smart. You have a good Heart. And that's what matters the most. All the other stuff is trivial. 

Your emotional. as am I. You cry easy, As do I. Your caring. Your amazing with your little sister. Your feisty and have lots of friends. Your so determined. You believe in yourself. Your handsome. 

Oh and you said the F Bomb the other day and then cried cause you didn't know it was a swear. It was just a word you thought of on your own, you said.  Stupid school! Thanks for teaching my kid the F bomb! 

Your at a sleepover. Your second one ever. And here I am writing you. Daddy is gone to watch the fights. Chloe is coughing away in her bed. And here I am wondering if you are sleeping yet. The Control freak that I am....I like to know if you are in your bed asleep. But I know that you are safe. I just miss you. 

I love you Jacob. Very much. Through the fights, the tears, I will never stop. You are amazing.  

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life is like a deck of cards

Have you ever felt like you were dealt a hand of cards that were crap. You know that kinda of hand that you look at and say, really?? Did you stack the deck so you would win, and I would loose? Cause I have Nothing to play with. 

But as you play in the game of life. You see that a card can be played. and it really wasn't all that bad. You played with the hand you were dealt. You might not have won. But you finished. You may not have the perfect hand, but you tried the best with what you had. And then waited for the next deal. Maybe its better, maybe its worse. But you kept pushing through and making the best of situation. And you always seem to be able to play something.

You go down the road that you aren't in control of when your younger. You learn what you learn from watching, and imitating what you see right in front of you. You repeat the words that your ears hear. Your actions speak louder then your words. Because that's what tends to happen. You become a product of your environment  good or bad.

But when you grow up you get to make your own choices.  choices that are going to define who you are. Your morals, what you will stand for or what you will fall for. You get to choose who you want to become. 

You get to choose to be different. to recreate or imitate. You get to break the chain or add another link. 

Life is not easy. And sometimes things happen that aren't fair, and that don't rest easy in our spirits. Or that makes us question or doubt. I have had many of these moments in my life. Many...But the one thing that I have learned over the years. His light will shine when everything else fades. We aren't alone in this messy game of life. I have to remember that. Do you?
