
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Friday, May 13, 2011

I normally would have lost it...But I remembered.

Well this morning was a going to be a busy morning. So I made the list the night before and layed it on the kitchen counter so I would not skip or miss a beat.

I awake even earlier then I needed to all because Lil miss tapped my arm." Can I watch a show?" I roll over try and see out of my still wanting sleep eyes. 6:05 a.m No, honey I mumbled. Get into to bed with me. Noticing that Thomas was out on his early run as normal. She crawled and snuggled. I couldn't go back to sleep. 10 Min's later I hear the other room door creak open. It was Lil man. He just shuffles his way to the living room. Lil miss crawls out to join her older brother. I too crawled out needing more rest, but what can one do? I go to the stack of dress clothes layed out from the night before, and put them on to have my bra strap break. OK...Give thanks. I do. I can give thanks because I have a few more options to wear. Remember that Crissy. You have more than enough. I trek down the hall to start doing lunches. Just Jacobs today. Phew! I go to get the lunch meat. There is none left. Dang! So I go to grab a bagel with cream cheese. Cause no peanuts allowed. I push past the peanut butter. And there is only half a bagel in the opened bag. Ok....I will run out and grab him a sub. I have time, if I hurry I thought. then I remembered Crissy Give thanks. So I do, while I search for my keys to drive my 2005 Escape. I thank him for options. And thank him for allowing me to wake this morning. And to be able to drive to go get a sub. And to have money in the bank to worry about doing so. I get in the escape to see no gas. Remember Crissy. Give thanks. Ok God thank you that Subway is at the gas station. I only have to make one stop. keep going...Keep giving thanks...Ham, Lettuce and Cheddar Cheese. That's all he likes on it. Oh sorry mamm our shipment has not come in yet this morning. We are out of Lettuce. That's fine I state. I can throw some Spinach leaves on it at home.Knowing Lil man like routines and his sandwiches made the way he liked them. Remember....Give thanks Crissy. Thank you for teachable moments. Thank you for the interaction I had between the sales clerk this morning. the normal banter and smiles exchanged. I quick run home....to late to shower. Place the almost greasy hair back in a pony tail. and throw some spinach in the sandwich. Lil man comes in and states, mom I need you to fill these forms out for sub day and Pizza and milk day. Last minute of course I scramble to find the exact change and place it ever so neatly in the allotted spot in his agenda. Quick...turn the computer on, get the directions to the court house. Quick get the cell phone, place my friends number in there in case she needs me. Where is the list?? Anyone seen the list? Lil Miss started writing on it. walking around writing a note to one of my friends. While I head in her direction. I probably would have snatched it away and said something like " don't write on that I need it."
But I stopped and remembered to Give thanks Thank you that I had the exact change and we weren't late submitting his money. Thank you that Lil miss is practising to be a momma, making her lists and trying to write words of encouragement. How could I scold that? How could I miss that opportunity to show her grace.
 I had to drive Lil miss to my friends house 15 mins in the opposite direction that I had to go in. But
Give Thanks  Crissy, You have a good friend that you trust to care for your baby girl. And their road is so pretty. Take it in. Don't miss it, cause you are in a hurry. I drive Lil man back into town, I pull into the school yard. And Hear oh man, I forgot my backpack. OK Seriously...Breathe...Give thanks Crissy.  After I state to my son, really Jaker? I have got to go! I stop myself and thank God I only live down the street. What is a 2 min delay? really?? Its all good.

    So my morning was filled with potential set backs. But I am trying to learn. I am trying to stop and Give thanks. To stop and give thanks for the rain and the grey sky. And the dirty Lil man I just picked up from school. Thanks for giving us the day to day routines, that seem mundane.
If we want joy, we need to give Thanks. Lord keep teaching me this I pray.

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