
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Wanting to eat real food. Not processed crap.

      As most of you know...I love food. I have catered for someone else and for my own company since 2005. I love reading about food and cooking and baking. But something lately has been alarming me. I am gaining weight. I am not the size of the moon ( yet ) but I feel like if I keep going on this path...I will be.

       I have also been reading a lot about ingredients and what is in the food that we eat. And what is not in the food that we eat. I have really tried to not buy the frozen meals pumped full of the chemicals and all the processed stuff. But this last year, I have slipped. I have bought more then I would like to admit. Why??? Maybe stress, maybe to busy of a schedule, Maybe I was lazy. Maybe it was all the above. hmmmmm....Well This past month. I have been reading ALOT...in between lacrosse playoffs and holidays etc. I am feeling very empowered to make a change. And I have started!!! I am going to share the info that I come across. I am hoping that my hectic schedule will slow down. Seeing that there is one week left to school and both my babies are in full time this year. I will have time to devote to cooking, planning, getting fit. and blogging just a bit more. So watch for my posts.  And see the transformations take place. I am praying that I can do this!!


  1. Just caught the last link to your newest blog post and I see I've missed a bunch!! Really enjoying reading, and looking forward to more :) PS of course you can do this! Praying for you as well <3

