
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Benefits of eating Organic Tomatoes

The Benefits of eating Organic Tomatoes

We planted a family garden this year. And it was so exciting to eat fresh veggies from our garden. 
So again I have done a little digging and found some great info. A new study has shown that Organic tomatoes have a higher level in antioxidants the the conventionally grown ones.

Researches from the university of Barcelona and the institute of the health is Spain. Did a a comparison and the natural amount of Polyphenols ( which are found to protect against heart disease ) and some cancers. Are much higher. Polyphenols are produced as the lovely tomatoes ripen and are affected by the plants growing conditions. Researches state that antioxidants increase in response to the "stress Conditions"( how hard the plant has to work to access the nutrients from the soil.)
So to break it down....organic Tomatoes have to work much harder, because there was no nitrogenous fertilizers. Which means that the tomato plants have to activate their own defense mechanisms. Which in return releases increasing levels of all antioxidants. hmmm very cool.

Another tid bit of info...Spain is one of the Top exporters of tomatoes...I didn't know that.

They study that I read this info was from from the journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

So go grab some organic tomatoes, it might help fight against heart disease.
Have a great day!

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