
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Three things I love about... Thomas

  1. His sleflessness- Thomas does everything in his will power to put his family needs before his own. From getting up every morning @ 4:30 a.m to go for his daily run. So he can be back in time to be up with the kids at 6, and let me sleep in till 7:30. He cleans ALL the time, he has taken on the kitchen as his "thing" polish the stove,fridge,dishwasher. He will play with the kids when he tired. He will rub my neck everynight, to ensure my comfort. Sometimes to fault he thinks of us more often then himself.
  2. His Determination- He loves running and is amazing at it. He runs 7 days a week. No if's and's or buts. Unless of course I am sick then he misses. But will run twice in one day to catch up. He runs in the winter even if you can't see outside. I thankful for his new grip shoes. So he does not fall anymore. :-) He is bound and determined to improve his health so he is around longer. he has lost around 50lbs. ( I won't mention that he has the same waist as me.)
  3. His love for children-He always says that he loves them. And cuddles and hugs and kisses them. He plays with them. He sings to them. He prays with them. He puts his kids first. He is patient and kind with them. And seeing them run to him every night yelling "daddy" and wrapping their little arms around his legs. Shows they value him as well. He does NOT put work in front of his kids. He come home for lunches and is here for dinner. Family is so important to Thomas and I am forever grateful.


  1. Sounds like you've got yourself a good man. My hubby is similar, except for the running thing. He heads out to the gym a few times a week though.

  2. It's easy to work hard for your family when it is obviously so appreciated. Thanks for all of the love and recognition. Your cheque is in the mail!

