
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Three things I love about... Jacob

1. I love that he is active. He loves to run, we entered a 1km race last Summer when he was 3. It was so cute to see that he never stopped once for a break. He ran last spring with me all the time. He loves sports and yes like a typical boy, loves to jump, climb and be rough and tumble. He loves to be outside and playing. I am just thankful that is not addicted to video games or the computer or t.v ( yet )

2. I love his curve for learning. He loves to do "homework" read and color and create. He loves learning his letters and numbers. He loves school and is doing VERY well. We were worried, As pre school did not go so well. but So far. Jacob has a love to learn. We do school work almost everyday with him and he thrives of off it. He is smart, and is creative.

3. That he is competitive. Now I do love this about him, but it is also a huge challenge for us. Thomas and I are also very competitive. We are actually trying to tone it down with Jacob. I hate to admit this. But sometimes I cheat at a game because I want him to learn that it is o.k to loose. But he loves to win. He has a goal to do well and finish and finish first. I like seeing passion in his eyes. But as I said we do need to work on it being o.k to not win everything. I guess it is a hard concept to get.


  1. Boys seem to be all go, go, go! My JJ is so similar. I have a feeling he will be running circles around me for the rest of my life!
    What cuties you've been blessed with :)

  2. When you cheat to beat me at a game what is the lesson you're trying to teach me? lol.

