
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Do I take the time?

I believe that sometimes I rush,rush,rush and don't take the time. Take the time to do what?? Do I take the time to listen? really listen? Am I so consumed in my own life and creating my check list for the day that I rush right by opportunity's? Do I know how to love others? Do I show that I love others? Do my friends know that I love and value them not just because I say I do, but by my actions? Do my children know that I love and value them, and not just because I say I do, but because I show them? Does my church family know that I love and value them? Not because I say I do, but because of my actions.
Do I stop, and listen?
Do I wrap my arms around them?
Do I forgot about my own agenda and check list?
Do I help where I can?
Do I hear a need and say oh I will pray for you ( again words) or do I try and help with my actions?
Am I living out my love? Am I living out my faith? by my actions???????
Huh.....A thought to ponder.


  1. Great questions. I think we speed throughout life and at times fool ourselves that "we do take the time." Asking the questions as you wrote maybe isn't just a fluke. Maybe its Christ tapping us on the shoulder to "take the time". What I've found is that life is very fleeting. We all know people or of persons; here today - gone tomorrow. I know that I have to step back; slow down and take the time.

    Great post Crissy

  2. I am terrible at this... I get so wrapped up in what I need to get done. I challenge myself every day to love people first and finish tasks second, but most days I come up short (and not just in height ;)

