
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Three things I love about... Chloe

1. She has such a sweet personality She says hi to EVERYONE! including the manikins in the store front windows. She is more then willing to give a high five a hug, and even kisses. She does not have a shy bone in her body. She is so full of smiles and giggles. She makes me laugh daily. And brightens my spirits. My little Boo.

2. I love that she is built from the inside out to be a momma. She loves, loves, loves babies and dolls. and cooking and cleaning. It is so cute. She grabs her diaper change mat, diaper cream and diaper and does the whole routine with her babies. SO cute. I can't wait to see her be a mom one day.
3. I love my little red head full of bouncy curls. She is ready to dance and clap and sing. She loves to cuddle in the rocking chair and pretend that she is snoring. She loves palying hide and seek with her brother. So far...she is the coolest 2 year old I know.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how these little girls just mother so instinctively eh? I love watching KK with her brother and with her dolls (or even a shampoo bottle if there is not a doll to be found!)

