
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I want adults to be kids.

Well I was given a nudge this morning by my 4 1/2 year old on the way to school here is how it went.

Jacob: I wish adults were kids too mommy.
Crissy: Why is that?
Jacob: cause I want adults to be kids.
Crissy: Why do you want adults to be kids??
Jacob: I just want our family to be kids?
Crissy: Why do you want mommy and daddy to be kids?
Jacob: So you can play with me.
Crissy: Do I not play with you?
Jacob: no....well you played a game with me yesterday.
Crissy: but I don't play enough with you?
Jacob: no.
Crissy: Well I guess that is something that I am going to have to do more eh?
Jacob: yes mommy.

I do have to admit that it made me a little sad, But I am using it a gentle reminder. Our kids are great at letting us know what they need. I can find myself leaving the two to play with each other, and I also can find myself doing chores or cooking or doing errands all day long. So I told myself today.....STOP and be a kid. Laugh, act silly, roll on the floor and leave the chores. Because before I know it, it will be too late. They grow so fast. I need to enjoy them now there will always be dishes, and cleaning and errands. But my kids will only be small once.
So, thanks Jake for the reminder. Love ya buddy.

1 comment:

  1. This is my greatest challenge: finding the balance between playing with my kids enough and keeping the house clean enough. I must admit that I often find it easier to focus on the housework. As a task oriented person, I get too bored playing with the kids (which is something I find very hard to admit)

