
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Watch your tone!

Watch your tone!

Guess what I am NOT talking about my kids. I am talking to myself. 

It’s been so easy for anger or defensiveness to creep into my words. When I stop and think about it, I often ask Lil man and Lil miss something, already assuming it will be a battle, and that shows in the way I speak. How can I expect them to do what I ask when my tone is already telling them they don’t want to? How can I expect them to reply in an appropriate manner when I have already set the tone for the conversation with the first words that came out of my mouth? Sometmes I hear myself talking angry, when really, I am not ( yet ) This week I have been really thinking, pondering, digging deep within myself. I have been trying to be honest. Is this the tone that I want set for my household? And Honestly ladies, Mothers. wives. We are the tone setters in our home.
I have watched it over and over and over again. I walk in the door from work. Grab the lunch bags clean them. Look at the agenda's, fill out the forms. Start dinner, break up a couple of fights in the living room. Nag to start the homework as I start to cook dinner. Clean up the bowl of yogort that was spilt on the newly cleaned carpets. Go back to the burning  Cooking dinner. I can feel my blood pressure raising with each incident. Than Mr.man walks in the door. I am standing at the stove. with a stand offish tone. I am talking with an irratated tone. I am conveying a nasty tone. So what happens? Unless I can calm myself down. It trickles down the line. Mr.man feels the tension and it carry's over to the dinner table.

I am not o.k with this. I am not with any of it. I am not ok with the tone that I set. 

I am the catalyst for change and if I want my family’s conversation to be kind, understanding, and pleasent then every time I open my own mouth I need to hear those words in my head…And speak them. 

It’s not going to be easy for me. There are a few hard truths that I will need to face. 

I need to tackle our routine and my own personal time management. And got off of FB.
I need to find joy and peace in looking after our home. Because sometimes everything seems pointless and mundane.
I need to give myself freely to the joy of being with my children when they need me. I need to stop being selfsih and sit down and play playdoh.

I need to extend ‘my tone’ beyond my children to my husband and to myself. 

I am not saying that I want a perfect home. Where things will always be gum drops and lolipops. It won't be a home where everyone is happy all of the time. It's not a home where the wheels never fall off. But it is a home that manages the set backs, the frustrations and the disasters, big and small, with grace and love.
I want to live in that home. I want to set the tone for that home. 


1 comment:

  1. I love this Crissy, so refreshing and I love the vulnerability you risk in sharing your thoughts and feelings of things in your heart.I had four children and know exactly what you talk of. You seemed to have grasped dying to self as painful as it is and yes it does set the tone ....ouch.... However there is a balance needed and some boundaries for mental health. Sometimes as Mom's and wives we can give so much and try to be all things to all people, this is where I went wrong and literally exploded. I still find that balance difficult but have a healthier attitude about it not beating myself up when I can't be all things to all people and remembering that I can only give and love to the extent that I love and respect myself and KNOWING who I am in the Lord. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings Crissy, I could share more but am so tired after a long day at work lol!!!

