
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

To yell or not to yell...That is the question.

 Does yelling, or screaming or raising your voice work? In my home it does not. So why oh why do I do?

I can't even tell you how many times I have started my morning with the right intentions. I do the whole self talk thing. Crissy you will be patient. You will be slow to anger. You will not yell today. 

I really have embraced, as my right, the simple right to express my anger. I Don't beat them. I don't lock them up  (even though I may want to at times. Lock them up that is.) So I surely do get the right to loose my mind, right?

If I have the right to loose my cool and yell so loud that I hurt my throat. I should get some satisfaction right? Wrong! I would say 9 times out of 10 I end up in my room bawling my eyes. I feel guilty. I feel sick. I feel ashamed. I then have to tap on the door, with my head hung low and ask for forgiveness. It really is hard to admit your wrong doing's. 

I then follow that into my room, enter into the bathroom take a look into the mirror and ask myself. Who? Who is this person? And Why? Why can't I control my anger? Deep sigh.

And really, Does me screaming help the situation? Does it help my kidlets listen better or feel loved and secure? I am sure that it makes them feel the complete opposite. In fact I know from experience that it does indeed do the opposite.

So I would like to declare. I am not going to yell anymore. This is going to be SO easy for me. Nah, its going to be hard. VERY hard. You see, I am the person that has a type A personality and I have Small, OK HUGE control issues. I also come from a family with a long line of Anger. But I will save that for another post :)
Here's to my challenge. Wish me luck and pray for me to change the tone of my house. I will let you know how I do....How I honestly do.
Cheers, and Blessings

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