
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Friday, November 18, 2011

The life as a School bus driver

    I started a new job Last February working for Wallwin electric. I was going to have the summers off and only work from 9:30-2:30 Perfect eh. YES! I honestly fell in love with the staff and company the very first hour. But I took this lovely job thinking that Chloe was going to be full time Jk this past Sept. but things changed. Our school is going to full time till 2012. So I had a dilemma on my hands. I didn't want to pay out 300.00 in gas and 400.00 in Daycare it was pointless. So I had to turn down that amazing opportunity. I must admit it was harder then I thought. I was in tears at the thought of leaving and During the same time I was approached by my aunt to drive bus. I was feeling so prideful and was thinking ya right. Drive a freaking school bus. I wanna work at Wallwin. Well I put my classic list making skills in to practice and weighed the pros and con's.
And of course who won...Driving the school bus. :( I was sad until the pride set in. I was kinda embarrassed at the idea of it, and I had no idea why. Something that I tell my youth group and my children and heck even my friends. Its really hard to judge someone or something if you get to know them or it. Because you learn their story. So I thought, OK Crissy. before you judge everyone and this job. Learn about it. give it a chance. So I did.
I applied and devoted my whole summer to train. To my surprise...The training was intense and a very informative course. I am now a professional driver with a class B licence. I did have a hard time with the videos that we had to watch on numerous accidents and bullying video's because believe it or not. That's where it starts. On the bus. I grew more and more nervous about being responsible for 66 children on my bus and over 30 families entrusting me with there precious little treasures. So I take it seriously. VERY seriously.

 So what have I learned about driving bus?  That It is one tough job. As the driver I am to watch every aspect of the road. Every driver, pedestrians  and to always expect the unexpected.
We are sometimes the first face that a child See's that morning. So I must always be kind and gracious and smile and greet. I only have the kids on my bus for 1 hour and tens minutes a day. So its hard to get to know each child.( but I try ) its hard to know what's going on between the lines. yet I have to discipline. Like a parent we need to lay the law down out of love, and try to extend grace. 

So what do you need to know about bus drivers?? This job is a lot more stressful than one would think. especially if you have one that cares. You see...we deal with behaviours and attitudes without having a real good chance to know the kids and their backgrounds. We say have a great weekend or have a good night and get no responses back. It is a pretty thankless job. And Driving in the winter sucks. So if we are late lots. Don't be mad. Just know that we want to get your little treasures home safely. 

So what I have learned to love about driving bus.
Well Chloe had a hard time her first month of school so I was able to be in her class during the morning to help her transition. I am home on sick days with them. I am home on holidays and P.A days. And I get the summer off. I am able to bring in some extra cash and still be a momma. Which is my number one priority. 
I also love getting to know the kids on the bus. And seeing them in school and have them wave or say hey Crissy. It really does provide for our family and gives me the freedom to do the household things. 
So I am not ashamed to say I am driving bus. I am blessed to be driving the bus.

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