
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Sunday, April 10, 2011


My brave son at 6 1/2 had his tonsils out this past Tuesday. I must admit I was more nervous then he was. We borrowed a 10 minute video explaining all of the procedure. It was to in depth, but enough to make the wee man get some tears in his eyes. He openly admitted that he was scared. ( but just a little bit.) I held back the tears and mustarded up some words of encouragement. Meanwhile I was scared too.

    Jacob and I headed into Barrie At 8 am to be there in plenty of time. And everything went as planned. We brought his DSI and his favorite blanket, even though he insisted that he didn't need it.

     The video was right on the money. He got a number and waited in one room. We answered lots of questions and moved into another waiting room, and then to another, where Jake was asked to get changed into a gown. this did not go over very well, and I have to convince him that it looked like a candy cane. It worked well enough for him to put it on. We sat down in yet another waiting room and we met a male Nurse named Brad. He was actually assigned to us for the whole day. I think this was a God hug for me. Because Brad got to go into surgery with Jacob. So he wasn't alone. Which was great. The Dr came in and explained everything one last time. Looked and me and pointed to the hallway. Now mom...you are going to go right and we are going to go left. Ok, He must have seen right threw me and knew I wanted to go in the operating room. So Jacob jumped up put away his DSI, Brad grabbed his blanket and as the Dr. Predicted they went left, and I turned right. Jacob was brave. So brave. No tears, he just marched down the hall. I had to blow him a kiss and turn quickly. Yes there were tears in my eyes, but reminded myself. this is such a normal procedure. Its fine. I went and grabbed a coffee and headed back to the very first waiting room. just like I was instructed to do. About half an hour later the Dr. came out and said it went fine. And went over all of the details. Phew it was over. Now let me see him I was thinking. But I had to wait until he woke up.
   That didn't take long actually. I was holding a pager in my hand and it went off. So the nurse took me down to see him. He was pulling in as I was walking in and when he saw me, he started to cry. As did I. Being a momma you hate to see your child hurting and I now understand all the times when my mom said she would take away my pain if she could, when I was sick.
Jacob did very well. He was a trooper and he did great. he was weepy for a little bit, and then fell asleep for about 10 mins. Not like all the other kids there. They were all passed out for the whole 6 hours being there.
He never threw up and never complained. He ate about 5 whole Popsicles and drank lots. He was a great little patient.
  Now he is home and he continues to not complain even though he is using his whole body to swallow. I honestly cannot believe how well he has managed. He is sore and in pain, but you wouldn't know it.
Last night was the worst thus far. He passed out at 6 pm with all of his clothes on and slept till 6:30 am the next morning. We did have an awake time from 11:30 - 12:00 pm where he ate some freezies and of course I had to wake him up a few times to take his meds.

   But I must say, Jacob has a high pain tolerance and is being a champ. He wants to run and jump around. But understands he can't. He wants pizza, but understands no scratchy foods. He wants to go back to school. But he knows he needs time to heal.
speaking of school, his class sent him cards. which honestly brightened Jakers day and had a huge smile for hours. This was amazing. And So appreciated.
 So, My son. You amaze me by your strength once again. Love Mom

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