
I am indeed a work in progress. I want to live my life intentionally everyday. Yes, its hard sometimes to stand up fight. But If I don't, who will?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thinking of you...So I thought I would write.

Well Kiddo Your growing up so fast. Your already 81/2. I remember our first night together. I was so in awe of you. I didn't sleep at all. I nestled you so close and just stared at you. I still stare in amazement. You are so strong. And the very qualities that make me want to ring your neck are the very qualities that are going to transform you into this amazing young man. 

Your so strong. You stand up for what you think to be true. You don't just sit by and take No for an answer. Your a fighter. And this my friend...I knew from when you were you in my womb. You love rules and abide them. but they need to make sense to you and if you don't think they do, you challenge it. All these years. its been your goal to challenge. But you admit when you were wrong. 

I am glad that we talk. I am glad that you listen. Dr.Phil said to keep discussions short and to the point. Well I am glad he doesn't live with us. Cause you and I both like to talk. 

When I question my parenting, like after one of our many fights. I take refuge in that we can always have heart to hearts. Your so smart. You have a good Heart. And that's what matters the most. All the other stuff is trivial. 

Your emotional. as am I. You cry easy, As do I. Your caring. Your amazing with your little sister. Your feisty and have lots of friends. Your so determined. You believe in yourself. Your handsome. 

Oh and you said the F Bomb the other day and then cried cause you didn't know it was a swear. It was just a word you thought of on your own, you said.  Stupid school! Thanks for teaching my kid the F bomb! 

Your at a sleepover. Your second one ever. And here I am writing you. Daddy is gone to watch the fights. Chloe is coughing away in her bed. And here I am wondering if you are sleeping yet. The Control freak that I am....I like to know if you are in your bed asleep. But I know that you are safe. I just miss you. 

I love you Jacob. Very much. Through the fights, the tears, I will never stop. You are amazing.  

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